Potential Changes to disability benefits
Last week, the Government announced proposals to change disability benefits in a Green Paper. If you currently receive disability benefits, or are hoping to claim them, these changes to disability benefits may have concerned you.
The MS Trust made a very good point in their response to the announcement, it said “It’s important to note that there will be no immediate change”.
We know that there will be a 12-week consultation period on some of the changes and that other changes will need to go through a legislative change starting in the autumn. Normally it would be expected that, after the changes have been agreed, they will only affect new applications or renewals.
For a comprehensive review of what has been announced please see this information from the MS Society: https://www.mssociety.org.uk/research/news/uk-government-has-proposed-changes-disability-benefits-heres-what-you-need-know
If you need support with an application you are making for disability benefits now, please contact reception on 01234 325781 or email reception@mscentrebedsandnorthants.com. We will continue to offer support once these changes have been implemented to help ensure that you continue to receive the benefits you are entitled to.