Lauren Mitchell

My work reflects my love of colour and ornamentation. I love to experiment . Sometimes I have a clear idea, and other times, I go with the flow.

I like to share my joy and passion with others. The true connection of creativities is my reward. It can be a lonely and frustrating experience. A step into the unknown. Scary and full of self doubt. It all disappears when you've reached your goal. It's an art therapy essential to my wellbeing and quality of life.

I am mindful of the environment and avoid nasty chemicals when I can. Preferring water-based collages.

In my earlier days Art was not considered a career, the working class mantra was 'Get yourself a proper job'. this I did, as opportunities were limited. Art always shadowed me around like my nemesis.

'It was not until I had a 'wake up call', due to a health issue I decided it's now or never.

There is no ‘must’ in Art -Art is free


Kate Philbin


Alison Belding