Zumba classes at the University of Bedfordshire

The University of Bedfordshire is now offering Zumba and exercise classes for people living with Parkinson's and MS at their Bedford campus. The details of these FREE sessions available are below.

If you are interested in attending please let us know by contacting reception on 01234 325781 or emailing reception@mscentrebedsandnorthants.com. We will pass on your interest to the university and send you joining instructions.

If you wish to participate you will need to complete a health questionnaire online. This can either be sent directly to your email before the class or completed on campus. The questionnaire is needed so that the community clinic have your general health records, should they be needed.

You can park/drop off close to the studio for easier and quicker access. If you are at the Centre and wish to attend we may be able to transport you to and from the session.

  • Zumba Gold: Mondays 11:00-12:00 in Dance Studio P0.108b (starts on January 20th) - This is a low-impact dance fitness class that offers a slower-paced version of the original Zumba, designed for active older adults. It combines cardio, muscle conditioning, balance, and flexibility exercises, and includes classic Zumba moves performed at a lower intensity.

  • Exercise Session: Tuesdays 11:00-12:00 in Dance Studio P0.108b (starts on January 21st) - This exercise class is tailored for individuals with MS and Parkinson's. It includes exercises focused on balance and coordination, stretching and flexibility, as well as strength work. The goal is to enhance muscle tone, build strength, and improve flexibility and postural control. 

  • Zumba Gold Chair: Thursdays 11:00-12:00 in Dance Studio P0.108b (starts on January 23rd) - This is a low-impact dance fitness class that uses a chair to do an adapted version of the classic Zumba. It entails an easy-to-follow choreography that focuses on balance, range of motion and coordination, and cardio. This class is indicated for individuals with mobility or balance constraints, including those who use wheelchairs. 


Therapeutic massage


Love to Move classes