Group Exercise Classes

Exercise classes that could help manage MS symptoms are available at Bedford MS Therapy Centre. These classes are offered at different levels of challenge to suit the members’ exercise goals and their capabilities.

​Following positive feedback from members attending our new small group exercise class we are now offering sessions on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.

Exercising with MS is a challenge. The level of effort required to generate a benefit tends to have negative, short-term consequences, bringing on fatigue, making walking more difficult, making balance worse etc. For this, reason these short sessions apply an approach known as HIIT which stands for High Intensity Interval Training. HIIT is appropriate for people living with MS as research has shown that “HIIT exercise taxes the cardiorespiratory system significantly more than CPAG exercise, yet without sustained deleterious effects on core temperature, walking, gait, cognition, mood, or enjoyment in persons with MS”.

Exercise has been shown to help people living with MS with a broad range of symptoms including fatigue, cognition, pain, and general wellbeing. Finding a way to make exercise accessible to more people with MS is important and we hope these new classes will create an opportunity for more Members to reap the benefits of exercise.

If you would like to take part in these sessions, please contact Karen on 01234 325781 or


Love to Move classes


Balance Classes