Pop-Up Art Exhibition & Sale raises over £8,000
We are delighted to let you know that we raised over £8,000 pounds from our Pop-Up Art Exhibition & Sale held at the MS Therapy Centre this month.
Not only that, we have raised an additional £1,000 over the year by selling art donated to us from the exhibition last October.
This makes a grand total of £9,125 with some more commissions to come in.
A few statistics:
105 artists took part (94 last year), including 49 of whom were new this year and 6 artists from the Men in Sheds group.
461 pieces of art sold, including 58 original hung works, 30 unframed pieces, 363 art cards and 10 art bags & books.
Over 600 visitors and guests attended over the weekend.
15 artists demonstrated live at the event.
3 local schools sent in wonderful artworks, created by their students, for our art competition for schools.
Many children enjoyed free art activities, and entered our art competition during the weekend. They were presented with prizes of art materials.
69 artworks were donated & will be hung and displayed for sale at the MS Therapy Centre.
11 artwork commissions were taken.
Over £1000 was taken in our weekend cafe selling refreshments including delicious home baked donated cakes.
14 wonderful raffle prizes were won over the weekend and are being enjoyed by the lucky winners.
This is a major fundraising event for our charity, and we are thrilled with the success.
See some of the artwork that was on sale, and read about the artists.