Holistic management of MS - talks and clinics with Miranda

We are pleased to let you know that our Community MS Nurse, Miranda, will be delivering a series of talks and clinics at the MS Therapy Centre. The talks will cover holistic methods to help you manage MS and Parkinson's. 

Please book in with Karen on reception.

Tuesday 15 April 2 – 3pm    A talk on how to become stress proof with Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback (Hearthmath).

This will be followed by a clinic offering one to one appointment for you to try this out.

3.30 - 4pm

4 – 4.30pm

4.30 - 5pm


Tuesday 27 May 2 – 3pm      Pain in MS and how using microcurrent for drug free pain relief  (APS available at the Centre) could help you.

Followed by a one to one clinic to have an APS assessment.

3.30 – 4pm

4 - 4.30pm

4.30 – 5pm


Tuesday 8 July 2 – 3pm   a talk on managing emotions and stress with Bach flowers remedies which is available at the Centre.

Followed by one-to-one appointments to have a Bach’s remedy made up for you.

1 – 1.30pm

3.30 - 4 pm

4 – 4.30pm

4.30 – 5pm


Tuesday 19 August 1 – 5   one to one sessions on Hearthmath, APS pain relief, Bach flower remedies.

Tuesday 30 September 2 – 3 pm      A talk on lifestyle measures to help stay well with MS and Parkinson’s.

1 – 1.30pm

3.30 – 4 pm

4.30 – 5pm


Creative art and wellbeing workshops