John Devitt
I am a self-taught artist working mainly in pen & watercolour. My subject matter is usually landscape and invariably coastal scenes. I paint a great deal from imagination and snippets of memories of places around The UK. I have exhibited in The Channel Islands, Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire and Suffolk and send work worldwide. I’m interested in capturing the flavour of such places. My work has a range of styles from the naive to the semi- abstract depending on the subject matter.
I deliver weekend workshops in Bedfordshire and Essex, accessing a number of different mediums and also deliver demonstrations for art clubs and societies. I’m very keen on promoting the concept that everyone has an artistic side to them - sometimes it’s about finding the right medium .
I also undertake private watercolour tuition.
Resident Artist at The Workhouse Galley Dunstable Bedfordshire.
Visiting Artist at The Watershed Studio, St. Osyth Essex